TEST BENCH – OLDTIMERC’s VACUCU3D 8×11 [A4] Vacuum Former

TEST BENCH – OLDTIMERC’s VACUCU3D  8×11 [A4] Vacuum Former

In the innovative world of RC hobbies, creativity is the key to unlocking new ideas. OldTimeRC, based in Carson City, Nevada, offers cutting-edge tools like the Vacucu3D 8×11 [A4] Vacuum Former that allow hobbyists another tool to express their creativity. This compact yet powerful device is redefining hobby-grade fabrication, enabling enthusiasts to bring their imaginative designs to life.

One of the most exciting applications of the Vacucu3D vacuum former is its ability to transform 3D-printed molds or existing parts into custom-designed components. Whether crafting bodies, wings or chassis covers, RC hobbyists can now experiment with clear plastic sheets, allowing for a new level of personalization in their projects.

The Vacucu3D vacuum former features a simple design reminiscent of a standard computer printer, yet it conceals a powerful set of features within its unassuming frame. The vacuum former integrates both automated heating and vacuum functions that help to ensure problem-free operation.

Using plastic sheets that measuring at 8×11 inches [A4], this vacuum former can accommodate a variety of projects. Its compact footprint makes it an ideal addition to any hobbyist’s workspace, allowing for the creation of intricate parts without taking up excessive room. The machine primarily utilizes .5mm PETG sheets, which are readily available through OldTimeRC.

OldTimeRC has become a hub for hobbyists, tapping into the nostalgia of childhood while embracing modern technologies. Since its inception in July 2021, the Carson City based store has quickly gained popularity among locals, becoming a go-to destination for enthusiasts seeking both traditional and cutting-edge RC tools.

The store’s philosophy centers on pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in hobby-grade fabrication and design. OldTimeRC believes in making once-distant ideas accessible through a range of technologies, including vacuum forming, desktop CNC, laser engraving and various 3D printing methods such as FDM, SLA and SLS.

With the Vacucu3D 8×11 [A4] Vacuum Former, OldTimeRC empowers RC hobbyists to virtually match the quality of products that are made via mass-manufacturing processes right in their own homes. By offering a tool that marries advanced technology with user-friendly design, the company is enabling enthusiasts to turn their visions into tangible, customized components for their RC projects.

Using the machine is as simple as powering it on, placing the item you’d like to mold on the vacuum former’s surface, inserting a plastic sheet into the machine, and finally pulling the machine’s top handle down to allow the vacuum forming process to take place. Within a matter of seconds a vacuum-formed part is made.


The compact and versatile nature of the Vacucu3D vacuum former makes it a useful tool for hobbyists looking to elevate their crafting capabilities. What you make is only limited by your imagination. Blending nostalgia with innovation, we think OldTimeRC is on to something great.

TEST BENCH - OLDTIMERC's VACUCU3D  8x11 [A4] Vacuum Former

TEST BENCH - OLDTIMERC's VACUCU3D  8x11 [A4] Vacuum Former

TEST BENCH - OLDTIMERC's VACUCU3D  8x11 [A4] Vacuum Former

TEST BENCH - OLDTIMERC's VACUCU3D  8x11 [A4] Vacuum Former

TEST BENCH - OLDTIMERC's VACUCU3D  8x11 [A4] Vacuum Former

Vacucu3D 8×11 [A4] Vacuum Former
MSRP: $699
URL: micro4wd.com

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Updated: May 16, 2024 — 7:45 PM
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