Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO

Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO

RC Upgrade offers a variety of 3D printed option parts including this Folding Charger Stand. This stand is designed to be used with the Junsi iCharger 308DUO, 458DUO, 406DUO or 458DUO chargers, but in this review we tested this new product on an iCharger 406DUO.

RC Car Action - RC Cars & Trucks | Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO

The Folding Charger Stand is offered in black, blue, green, orange, purple, red or white color options, but for this review we tested the blue version.

RC Car Action - RC Cars & Trucks | Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO

The stand comes assembled and it is designed to wrap around your power supply. Power supplies can vary in thickness, but if your power supply is thin enough you can slide this Folding Charger Stand right over it. In our case we had to remove the bottom four 3x12mm flat head screws with a 2.0mm hex driver. Depending on your needs you might want a longer screw when you reassemble it, but in our case we could use the supplied hardware.

RC Car Action - RC Cars & Trucks | Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO

Many 3D printed charger stands must be disassembled and reassembled when you travel back and forth from the track. That can take a little more time, and in the worst case scenario you can loose one of the pieces and have to purchase it all over again since you can’t buy the one piece you need. That is not the case with this stand since once you clamp it into place there is no need to ever remove it.

RC Car Action - RC Cars & Trucks | Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO

The back “legs” quickly swing into place when you need to set it up or pack it away. No tools are needed and you can adjust the legs to give you the right angle for your pit setup.

RC Car Action - RC Cars & Trucks | Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO RC Car Action - RC Cars & Trucks | Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO

Two socket head screws hold the charger in place on the bottom on the front side, and you can tuck your charger’s power supply leads underneath of it too.

RC Car Action - RC Cars & Trucks | Test Bench: RC Upgrade Folding Charger Stand For The iCharger 406DUO

This currently sells for $24.90-29.90 (depending on your color choice) and you can use this link to learn more and pick your Folding Charger Stand up today:


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Updated: May 23, 2024 — 1:25 PM
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